Yoga for Equestrians Fitness Workshops to be held at Equus Now!
Please join trainer and equestrian fitness instructor Kristen Hassen-Auerbach for one of three workshops and yoga practices to be held at Equus Now!
All classes are multi-level Hatha-style yoga classes and are intended for people of all fitness levels in all disciplines of riding. Participants may or may not have previous experience in yoga classes and should wear loose-fitting clothing and bring a yoga or fitness mat.
Wednesday, January 19, 7 – 9pm: “Everyday Yoga for Every Equestrian”
This class offers an introduction to yoga and the particular ways in which yoga can be used by equestrians to increase strength, flexibility, balance and calm. This class is designed specifically for those with little or no previous yoga experience but everyone is welcome. Students will practice ten foundational yoga asanas and will learn how these postures can be practiced as part of a regular riding routine. Prepare to leave this session feeling rejuvenated, energized and ready for more!
Wednesday, February 2, 7 – 9pm: “Yoga, Riding, and Your Body – Practical Postures to Solve Common Riding Problems”
The stresses of modern life mean that most of us are not happy with our bodies. Whether we’re carrying around extra weight or experience regular pain and discomfort in our back, hips or shoulders, most of us have problems with our bodies that get carried directly into our riding. Yoga practice is one of the easiest, least expensive ways to take better care of our bodies and to counteract the stresses of daily life. This practice, intended to those who have at least one previous yoga class, focuses on postures that open the hips and shoulders and create space in the back and neck. This gentle flow series including twists and back bends that will leave you feeling like a kid again.
Wednesday, February 23, 7 – 9pm: “Yoga and Breath – Finding Balance and Grace in the Saddle”
This strength-building flow class incorporates sun salutations, standing postures, and balance postures with an emphasis on complete, consistent breathing. We will open with a breathing exercise and short, seated meditation and will use the breath to move into a strong, flowing sequence of postures. Learn how to build up the muscles used for strenuous riding and how to improve your balance with postures that can be practiced anytime and anywhere. Students will also learn how many of the postures can be modified to be practiced on horseback. While the practice is suitable for beginners, this will be the most strenuous of the workshops and participants should be ready to sweat!
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